Do you feel irritated by that nagging pain which gets worsened on monsoons?

Blame it on your sedentary lifestyle, posture problems and stress.

Ayurvedic experts feel that pain mainly occurs due to poor or unhealthy diet and bad posture. This in turn results in the lack of flexibility of the muscles and may cause further degenerative changes of the joints. These symptoms may progress twofold during monsoon, worsening the condition.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Here are ways to ease your pain and care your joints.

  • DIET

Diet of warm, moist, mildly spiced, nourishing foods makes marked differences in the intensity of pain. The sweet, salty, and sour tastes are all vata pacifying—just make sure you find natural, healthy sources of sweets (like ripe plums, pears, or dates) and don’t overdo. Overeating can again be harmful.


In the ayurvedic tradition, regular oil massage, is revered as a highly effective form of therapy for all sorts of ailments. Massage helps reduce pain because it allays joint and muscle stiffness, increases circulation and relaxes the body.


Fomentation helps in drawing blood into the target tissues. Increased blood flow delivers needed oxygen and nutrients, and removes cell wastes. The warmth decreases muscle spasm, relaxes tense muscles, relieves pain, and can increase range of motion. Superficial heat is available in many forms, including hot compresses, dry or moist heating pads, localised sudation with tub baths etc.

  • YOGA

A 10 minutes systematic relaxation in corpse pose(shavasana) will help you from inclining towards popping-in analgesic pills. This practice can reduce muscle spasms, relieve tension, and calm the mind naturally. Pain can discourage us from stretching and moving the way we normally do, but restricting your movement will only compound the problem. Certain yogic asanas and stretching exercises and postures can help you out with pain.


Turmeric and ginger help reduce inflammatory pain, while valerian, kava kava, chamomile, skullcap, passionflower, hops, and jatamansi (the “Indian valerian”) help combat tension-related pain. And since chronic pain is often a combination of inflammation and tension, these herbs are often sold in combination formulas. Ginger root is an effective herb to treat Back Pain. You can sip ginger essence  in warm water. You even have a choice of directly applying the paste of it on your back or use ginger tea as a useful ingredient in herbal tea. Consuming 2-3 cloves of garlic every morning reduce your Back Pain. Eat the cloves on an empty stomach. Mustard Oil has natural healing powers. By applying mustard oil on the affected area, the flow of blood is naturally directed towards the surface of the skin (of the affected portion). Turmeric is specifically effective for the sharp pain in the lower back. Mix turmeric in Milk or apply it directly on the back for relief from the pain.

These are a few remedies that anyone with chronic pain can try. Since everyone is different, in the meantime, it’s best to plan Ayurveda seasonal detox which takes care of removing toxins and reducing pain .