

3 Helpful Spring Season Tips for Staying Healthy

The change of weather outside can significantly influence on your health! Yes, seasonal (Spring Season) changes affect the body and causes certain disease. So if you want to stay healthy and improve your immunity then synch yourself to adopt changes mentioned in Ayurveda. Let’s see the Ayurveda ways to make changes for Spring season. Adopt…


Incredible Benefits Of Surya Namaskara

People think that Surya Namaskara is just another form of exercise to strengthen muscles. Yes, it certainly does that. But, it does so much MORE to your body, mind, and soul, if practiced correctly. What is Surya Namaskara? Expressing respect and gratitude to the Sun God is an ancient practice Known as “Sun Salutation”. Without...



Year 2020 was ended and we look back to scrutinize all the events that made this year the way it is. Let’s begin 2021 with Health, happiness, accomplishment and self-growth through Wellness Sutra. When you look closer, you understand that whatever the events were, there was something constant in all of them and that is...

Ayurveda for Problem free Winter


Ayurveda being a holistic science teaching us to live in harmony with the laws of nature, it gives immense importance to the seasonal transitions from auttumn to winter and thereby advocates changes in habits and routines accordingly. Concept of seasonal juncture (rtu sandhi) that is, the last week of previous season and the first week...

Diabetes Management

Don’t be too Sweet! Reverse DIABETES

Diabetes is a kind of disease that depends more on the patient than any other factor in successful  Diabetes management. Keeping your blood sugar levels down to normal in the same range as that of people who do not have diabetes is as good as not having diabetes. Unfortunately, there is no “Absolute cure” concept...

Shathayu Ayurveda Retreat

5 Health Benefits of Ayurveda Retreat

The retreat concept revolves around creating relaxed Optimum-health. India makes the Ayurveda retreats one of the world's most popular wellness destinations. All you have to do is check in, give up on wellness and walk out a rejuvenated person. These are the 5 health benefits of  Ayurveda retreats that will give your mind and body...

Healing Power of Colours


Colours therapy is one of the best methods for the treatment of diseases known as Chromotherapy. It is best used as a supportive therapy along with other natural methods of conserving health like correct diet, adequate rest and relaxation, exercise, yogic asanas, and so on. According to practitioners of chromotherapy, the cause of any disease...

Easy Menopause with Ayurveda

Easy Menopause with Ayurveda

Menopause is physiological changes certainly with few emotional disturbances. Menopause can be simply defined as the end of the last menstrual period. This natural transition generally occurs at the age of 45-55 years. When the ovaries no longer respond to the hormones, they fail to release an egg each month and to produce the female sex hormones...

Ardha Matsyendrasana


Beer belly, Spare tyre are just a few names given to the extra fat layer accumulated around the abdomen. Aside from the amusing nicknames, this kind of fat constitutes a significant health hazard.Abdominal fat raises the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, sleep apnea and certain cancer forms. Practicing yoga asanas regularly helps to...

Frozen Shoulder


Sometimes shoulders just seize up, painfully and mysteriously: frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder usually causes when a person is having diseases like diabetes, or it follows traumas or periods of immobilization — hold the shoulder in one position for long enough, and it actually may get stuck there. The shoulder is that the only joint that always “freezes” in most...

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