Health condition

Joint and Spinal care

This program helps to manage health condition such as pain and rejuvenate joints. It deals with Musculo-Neuro-Skeletal conditions like Osteo-Arthritis, Spondylosis, Sciatica, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gouty Arthritis, Repetitive Stress Injury & other Spinal & Joint related disorders. Our customized treatments for chronic conditions help in improving quality of life by arresting the progression and fastening the healing process and they include a post-treatment regimen of diet and exercise.


Diabetes wellness Program

Don’t let your Diabetes Affect your life, sweeten your diabetic life with our Diabetes wellness program by creating a “family-centric” which helps in managing and monitoring your health condition by rectifying unhealthy lifestyles which helps in preventing short and long-term complications.

Diabetic people have the tendency to develop neuropathy. The patient feels numbness, tingling, or pain in the hands, feet, arms, thighs, and legs along with muscular cramps.

Diabetic neuropathy can be prevented by our diabetes management program. Ayurveda has one of the most powerful treatments for managing Diabetes Neuropathy


Respiratory and Allergy Management

This program focuses on improving quality of life by treating Asthma and allergies in a holistic way. The main intention would be to improve overall respiratory health than short-term medication to relieve just symptoms. The treatment gives a new lease of life to the natural immunity of the body, which then is able to fight allergies and other symptoms of the disease. A balanced mix of medication and panchakarma ensures a lasting cure.

Elderly Health Care

Elderly Health Care

At Shathayu, we understand that the medical needs of senior citizens are different and require specialized care. We have impaneled doctors with experience in treating their complex medical conditions with the utmost care. We offer Wellness Packages for the following services in elder health care:

  • A comprehensive geriatric assessment is to understand health concerns and the medications they are on.
  • A detailed evaluation of their dietary habits, nutritional concerns, physical activity, body balance, lifestyle, sleep pattern, and mental health levels.
  • A customized package was drawn up in consultation with a trained and skilled physician.
  • Yoga and pranayama
  • Meditation
  • Naturopathy
  • Creativity sessions
  • Wellness mantras
  • Joint rejuvenation Ayurveda therapies
  • Kayakalpa (age reversal for the body) therapies
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