

Posted by:shathayu

Sometimes shoulders just seize up, painfully and mysteriously: frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder usually causes when a person is having diseases like diabetes, or it follows traumas or periods of immobilization — hold the shoulder in one position for long enough, and it actually may get stuck there. The shoulder is that the only joint that always “freezes” in most...

Wondering How Obesity is linked to Infertility??

Posted by:shathayu

Here are Few Facts It is commonly known that being overweight directly affects the fertility rate in women, but now it has been proven that it also affects male fertility. Men with increased BMI were significantly more likely to be infertile than normal-weighing men. 20-pound increase in men’s weight will increase the chance of infertility by...

5 Health conditions you need to rectify before IVF

Posted by:shathayu

INFERTILITY is the most commonly found issue in the younger and the upcoming generation. The treatment and procedures to treat infertility are emotionally draining processes. It is one of the most emotional crises that a couple undergoes, and it is very hard to cope up in life. When a couple begins the journey to consider...

Ayurveda Management for Stroke Paralysis

Posted by:shathayu

Stroke Paralysis is a common medical emergency and can happen anytime and the third leading cause of death worldwide. Stroke also known as CVA (Cardiovascular Accident) is the sudden death of some brain cells due to lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is lost by blockage of an artery to the...

5 Best Ayurveda Treatments for Any Age

Posted by:shathayu

Ayurveda Treatments help in preserving and promoting perfect health. Ayurveda advises regular applications of oils, powders, and massages on a day-to-day basis for preventing diseases. This 5000-year-old science of life has greater solutions to prevent modern-day ailments. Ayurveda Treatment helps to relax; rejuvenate the body and mind; and improves digestion, metabolism, and circulation. Ayurveda in...

7 Health Benefits you must know about Fasting

Posted by:shathayu

People wrongly assume, that “fasting” means “starvation.” In fact, fasting isn’t skipping meals or a fad diet either. The actual definition of fasting is “Abstaining from food for a defined period.” Studies show that over the last few decades, the amount of time, we spend not eating has shrunk significantly. In fact, we are now...

Long term success for weight loss

Posted by:shathayu

Overweight and worried about your health risks? You should be. Obesity has become an epidemic for a new generation and it goes hand in hand with a host of other modern-day "epidemics", including diabetes, PCOD, infertility, and heart disease. Did you know that Sucess For Weight Loss can be simple and easy if you know...

Say Bye Bye to belly fat and 2019!

Posted by:shathayu

Having belly fat simply ruins the beauty of your entire personality, and one starts looking more aged. So if you want to look good, and be healthy reducing fat around your tummy should be the utmost priority. The fat released from the omentum (which is fatty layer of tissue located inside the belly) rapidly and...

Ways to battle against Allergies

Posted by:shathayu

People with previous history of respiratory issues such as Asthma and COPD are prone to respiratory exacerbation's during rains. This would require treatment escalation to breathe better.  Here are some measures you can follow so that you too can enjoy the monsoon despite asthma. DIETARY CHANGES IN MONSOON Use of Garlic, Turmeric, Ginger, Black pepper...

4 Essentials for Weight Loss

Posted by:shathayu

4 Essentials for Weight Loss People can lose weight and maintain this loss by taking several achievable steps. Understanding these 4 simple daily routines can help them achieve long-term essentials for weight loss goals. Water The process of burning calories requires an adequate supply of water in order to function efficiently; dehydration slows down the fat-burning...

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